Aspiration Statement
I am inclined towards research and development positions or HR positions. I also want to pursue my postgraduate studies in Behavioral Psychology and Data Science research, eventually leading to a PhD. My passions include music and reading.
Core Skills
- R
- Quantitative and Qualitative Research skills
- Policy and Proposal Writing
- Writing
- Public Speaking Skills
- Fluent in English and Urdu
- A1A in French
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Founder and Co-Chair of the Zero Waste Initiative at the Lyceum School: Founded society and elected succeeding society chairs. Conducted various audits and research into waste production and possible waste reducing outlets.
- Habib University Debate Union (2018-2020): Member of the Parliamentary Debate team. Director Registrations for Habib University Debating Championship 2019. Assistant Committee Director at HUMUN 2019. Marketing Manager for the 2019 Semester.
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Management Trainee - HBL (Jul 2022 - Present)
- Intern - Pathfinder International (June 2021 - August 2021)
- Research Intern -Shehri-CBE (December 2020 - January 2021)
- HR Intern - Creative Chaos (July 2019 - August 2019)
Final Year Project
Project Title
Gatsby, Gaye, Ganja and Gangsta Rap - An Investigation in Popular Culture, Expropriation and Commodification
This paper focuses on the intricacies and historical relationships between popular music and race. Multiple theories and anthropological approaches were taken to write a historical comparative analysis to show a trend in patterns surrounding moral panics surrounding Black-rooted musical traditions, followed up by attempts to commodify and exploit said genres to sell the white populace. The paper applies academic research skills in collecting literature as well as theoretical analysis of various theories and schools of thought such as the Frankfurt School to describe these patterns and how they have been shown by various other scholars as well.